Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion clinic in the United States and has received a third of its money in government grants.
This organization prides itself on promoting “women’s health”. If this is the case then shouldn’t they be promoting family planning and celebrating life? Counseling women to keep their babies or to give them up for adoption? Giving them the resources they need to do those things? Well they do exactly the opposite. Planned Parenthood could care less about women’s health and here’s why: They promote abortion, not caring about women’s health or the life of the unborn, but caring about the dollar. And abortion is their most lucrative service. When they “counsel” a woman about her unplanned pregnancy, it is not to give her other options; it is to push abortion on her. They do this knowing that the act of killing a baby goes against everything inside of a woman that tells her to love, to nurture and to protect. Knowing that making that choice causes such an emotional trauma for women, that it leads to mental illness such as depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and even suicide. Not to mention the physical complications associated with abortion. These complications can include death of not only the baby, but also the mother. It’s not safe for a woman emotionally or physically, but that’s what Planned Parenthood tells you on their website. Their claim that abortion is safe is a lie. The claim that they are in the business of “women’s health” is a lie. The FACT that they shed innocent money all to make a buck is the truth. Below, I have attached some links to articles on botched abortions as well as physical complications due to abortion. I have also attached articles on abortion causing mental illness and suicide.,2933,488644,00.html
In one of the above articles, a botched abortion in Florida is discussed. An instance where a baby was aborted by induced-labor. Here’s how it was aborted: This woman was given medication to induce labor and when she was told to come back in to see the doctor, the doctor was two hours late for her appointment. At 23 weeks, this woman went into labor and had the baby. When the baby was born, a clinician picked the baby up, stuffed it into a plastic bag and simply threw it in the trash. That is horrifying, outrageous and SICK! How have people become so desensitized? That baby was killed, like so many others, ruthlessly, wrongfully and because they were considered an inconvenience. Unacceptable. Disgusting.
In the following articles taken from Planned Parenthood’s website, Pro-Life organizations and individuals are referred to as “extremists.” To me, extreme isn’t believing in the sanctity and preservation of life. To me, extreme is ending a life, simply because it was looked at as an inconvenience (by the parents) and a dollar sign (abortion clinics.)
Opposing Attacks on Women’s Health
Women must be able to access health care without fear of violence, harassment, or intimidation. Young people must be able to get accurate information about their health and how to protect it. And women, men, and teens must able to make their own decisions about their health and their futures without government intrusion.
Anti-choice extremists do everything they can to prevent women and men from taking charge of their lives. If these radicals truly were concerned about women and families, they would work with Planned Parenthood to reduce unintended pregnancy in the first place by doing the only thing that works — increasing access to affordable birth control and comprehensive sex education.
Planned Parenthood fights anti-choice extremism on every level. Unfortunately, anti-choice extremists continue their attacks on Planned Parenthood and the people we serve. Join us to fight:
· In reference to the above article from Planned Parenthood’s website: I find it funny they say “without government intrusion” but they're ready and willing to take government money to fund their operation. Hypocrites. As far as unintended pregnancies, they shouldn’t be happening. And in the event that they do, people should be taught to take responsibility for it. Maybe if that were the case, you wouldn’t see so many unplanned pregnancies. Food for thought.
Here is another article from Planned Parenthood’s website:
Protecting Abortion Access
Planned Parenthood believes every woman should have access to the full range of reproductive health care.
Our primary goal is prevention — reducing the number of unintended pregnancies, especially the alarmingly high number of teenage pregnancies, in the U.S. At the same time, to protect their health and the health of their families, women facing an unintended pregnancy must have access to safe, legal abortion services without interference from the government. Decisions about childbearing should be made by a woman in consultation with her family and doctor — not by politicians.
Access to abortion is legal, constitutionally protected, and consistently supported by a majority of Americans; yet anti-choice organizations and policymakers have made it increasingly harder for women to access needed care. Anti-choice hardliners erode access to abortion through court battles, ballot measures, and burdensome legislative restrictions on abortion services — some extremists even resort to intimidation, harassment, and violence against women and health care providers.
Planned Parenthood fights these anti-choice efforts on every level. From courthouses to statehouses to Capitol Hill to the grassroots, we work to protect access to reproductive health care through education of elected officials, litigation, and mobilization of our more than four million activists, donors, and supporters.
In reference to the above article from Planned Parenthood: The quote, "...consistently supported by a majority of Americans” where are they getting these facts? Oh wait, they're not. Because what I saw during the Health Care Reform news coverage, is that they were having trouble passing the bill. Not only because it’s ridiculous and the gateway to Socialism, but because it was going to federally fund abortion and THE MAJORITY OF PEOPLE DON’T WANT THAT. If abortion were truly supported by the majority of Americans, there wouldn’t be an issue with federally funding it. And as far as an alarmingly high rate of teenage pregnancy: maybe if schools educated women not only on safe sex, but ABORTION AND EVERYTHING IT ENTAILS, you wouldn’t see such a high number of teenage pregnancies.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
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