Thursday, March 25, 2010

Take Responsibility For Educating Yourself On Abortion

There are so many people who are Pro-Choice and actually have no idea what they are standing behind. Here are two personal experiences I've had with people that fall under that category:

I was once asked by a Pro-Choice woman where I stand on the issue. I told her I am Pro-Life and gave her the facts about abortion. Not only did she narrow her eyes and tighten her lips-looking almost annoyed that I'd stripped down the "truth" of convenience that a fetus is not a human being, but she couldn't even keep eye contact with me. When I got to the topic of Partial-Birth abortion, she ended the conversation by telling be that she doesn't believe that actually happens- that it seems more like something out of a science fiction movie. I told her to research the topic-to this day I don't believe she has.

The second example I have to give you is this same woman's daughter. Her daughter approached me one day (as she has so many times) with the fact that she is Pro-Choice. She told me she didn't believe a fetus is a human being because it isn't a seperate being from it's mother and it can't live outside of her body. I told her she was wrong about it not being a separate being and just because it can't live outside of the mother's body for a certain amount of time doesn't mean it isn't a human being. I gave her fact after fact to support my argument and she simply WALKED AWAY. She couldn't even counter act. It was unbelievable! If you are going to stand behind something, at least know the facts about it! But she, her mother and so many others refuse to educate themselves.  It is convenient to keep your head in the sand because then, you don't have to take any personal responsibility when it comes to an unplanned pregnancy (whether you've had an abortion already, or are now looking for a way out of your unplanned pregnancy.) So please, for those of you who are Pro-Choice and for those of you who don't really have a stand on the issue-the best thing you can do for those babies and for yourselves is research. Read my posts, articles, links etc. and research other abortion blogs and websites. Find out what it actually entails. The more you know-will utterly repulse you. Unless you were born without a conscience, you will no longer be Pro-Choice once you research the facts about abortion. But if you choose to stick your head in the sand or to believe a convenient lie that a "fetus is not a human being", then you won't educate yourself. And you will continue to be a huge part of the problem. The ball is in your make the right choice.

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